Red Hot Chili Peppers - CalifornicationIhr neuntes Studio-Album Stadium Arcadium ist am 5. Mai 2006 als Doppel-Album erschienen, mit den jeweiligen Untertiteln f?r die beiden CDs: Jupiter und Mars. Es enth?lt neben den im Jahr 2005 live neu pr?sentierten Liedern 21st Century, Readymade und Tell Me Baby u. a. das im Herbst 2004 live gespielte Desecration Smile. Die erste Single war Dani California, ver?ffentlicht am 28. April. Vom 3. April an war das neue Lied vorab im Radio zu h?ren. Am 24. April 2006 spielte die Band einen Geheimauftritt im Hamburger „Zelt der fliegenden Bauten vor etwa 500 geladenen G?sten und stellte das neue Album vor, welches direkt nach der Ver?ffentlichung am 5. Mai 2006 auf Platz 1 der Charts einstieg.Die Red Hot Chili Peppers spielten auf der Intercalactic Tour, welche von April 2006 bis August 2007 dauerte, 151 Konzerte und Festivals in ?ber 20 L?ndern. Sie spielten u. a. auf dem Roskilde-Festival in D?nemark, dem PinkPop-Festival in den Niederlanden, dem Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival in Kalifornien, dem Fuji Rock Festival in Japan, im Hallenstadion Z?rich in der Schweiz und auf dem Live-Earth-Konzert im Juli im Londoner Wembley-Stadion
SuperFatma19 | 13-06-2011, 07:12 | просмотров: 81565 |
Os Melhores Videos Do Concerto do Marilyn Manson Em Lisboa V?o Estar Neste Canal No Dia 3 de Dezembro Em HD.
gasbongconcerts | 13-06-2011, 06:40 | просмотров: 1712 |
TOKIO hOtel en vivo en los ema 2007
zantiy1 | 12-06-2011, 15:19 | просмотров: 1587 |
live in Reading, PA 11-27-04
sickntwisted111 | 12-06-2011, 06:08 | просмотров: 20825 |
Buy the Video @iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/de/video/numb/id281882809Linkin Park mit Offizilem Video, und deutschem Untertitel.© by Warner Bros. Records
LincolnParkChannel | 12-06-2011, 05:11 | просмотров: 598446 |
road trippin with my two favorite alliesfully loaded we got snacks and suppliesits time to leave this townits time to steal awaylets go get lostanywhere in the usalets go get lostlets go get lostblue you sit so prettywest of the onesparkles light with yellow icingjust a mirror for the sunjust a mirror for the sunjust a mirror for the sunthese smiling eyes are just a mirror forso much as come before those battles lost andwonthis life is shining more forever in the sunnow let us check our headsand let us check the surfstaying high and drysmore trouble than its worthin the sunjust a mirror for the sunjust a mirror for the sunjust a mirror for the sunthese smiling eyes are just a mirror forin big sur we take some time to linger onwe three hunky dorys got our snakefinger onnow let us drink the starsits time to steal awaylets go get lostright here in the usathese smiling eyes are just a mirror forthese smiling eyes are just a mirror foryour smiling eyes are just a mirror for
REDHOTCHlLlPEPPERS | 11-06-2011, 19:59 | просмотров: 1065699 |
otherside, red hot chili peppers.
abraerosmith2 | 11-06-2011, 18:03 | просмотров: 604089 |

Psychic Spies from ChinaTry to steal your minds elationLittle girls from SwedenDream of silver screen quotationsAnd if you want these kind of dreamsIts CalifornicationIts the edge of the worldAnd all of western civilizationThe sun may rise in the EastAt least it settles in the final locationIts understood that HollywoodSells CalifornicationPay your surgeon very wellTo break the spell of agingCelebrity skin is this your chinOr is that war your wagingFirst born unicornHard Core Sof PornDream of CalifornicationDream of CalifornicationMarry me girl be my fairy to the worldBe my very own costellationA teenage bride wuth a baby insideGetting high on informationAnd buy me a star on the boulevardIts CalifornicationSpace may be the final frontierBut its made in a Hollywood BasementCobain can you hear the spheresSinging songs off station to stationAnd Alderons not far awayIts CalifornicationBorn a raised by those who praiseControl of population everybodys been there andI dont mean on vocationFirst born unicornHard Core Sof PornDream of CalifornicationDream of CalifornicationDream of CalifornicationDream of CalifornicationDestruction leads to a very rough roadBut it also breeds creationAnd earthquakes are to a girls guitarTheyre just another good vibrationAnd tidal waves couldnt save the worldPay your surgeon very wellTo break the spell of agingSicker than the restThere is no testBut this is what youre cravingFirst born unicornHard Core Sof PornDream of CalifornicationDream of CalifornicationDream of CalifornicationDream of Californication
CottonJamaikino2 | 11-06-2011, 09:50 | просмотров: 1072948 |
In the End - linkin park //// music video ////
bagas321 | 11-06-2011, 02:53 | просмотров: 465213 |
Marilyn Manson ao vivo no campo pequeno
brokss | 10-06-2011, 21:49 | просмотров: 5096 |